“BARREL ENERGY FIOCC” is our feed for Barrel and Team Penning horses; it comes as 4 mm pellet enriched with 35% of corn and barley flakes.
It contains high rate of sugars and fats, from different dietary sources.
The nutritional balance allows the complete assimilation of different nutrients.
“BARREL ENERGY FIOCC” contains trace elements from organic sources; Selenium and Methionine are very bioavailable.
Sugars and fats allows muscular explosiveness and agility as well as capability to resist to short but intense strains.
Quantity may vary according to the breed and the size of the animals. However, ideal dosage is of 0.6/1.2 kg. per 100 kg. weighed by the animal, according to the quality of the fodder.
The feed is available in 25-kg bags as well as in big bags and loose.

“MOUNTAIN TRAIL” has been studied for horses engaged in prolonged physical activity; this feed is a mix of corn and barley flakes, oat; it’s enriched of vegetal fats (soya oil) and contains a pellet usefull to bring fiber, proteins and mineral salts.
High amount of anionic salts, vit. E and Selenium allows a lower dehydration and a quicker muscle recovery, reducing oxidative phenomena.
Enriched with vitamin H (Biotin), usefull for hooves keratinization.
This feed contains everything the animals need; there is no need to add vitamins or minerals.
Quantity may vary according to the breed and the size of the animals. However, ideal dosage is of 0.6/1.2 kg. per 100 kg. weighed by the animal, according to the quality of the fodder.
The feed is available in 20-kg bags as well as in big bags and loose.