The feed “ANATRE E OCHE NO OGM” is intended for ducks and geese from birth.
It comes in small pieces, with a fine granulometry that make it easy to pick up even by young animals.
During the finishing phase, we recommend mixing this feed (70%) with mixed grains or broken-up corn (30%).
This feed can be administered freely or rationed, providing the animals with a constant supply of fresh and clean water.
It does not contain coccidiostats or other pharmaceutical substances. It can be administered up to the slaughter of the animals.
The feed is available upon order in 25-kg bags as well as in big bags and loose.

The feed “QUAGLIE E STARNE NO OGM” is intended for quails and partridges from birth.
It comes in small pieces, with a fine granulometry that make it easy to pick up even by young animals.
Indeed, particular supplements fulfil the needs of this type of birds, guaranteeing vitality as well as excellent productive and reproductive characteristics.
It does not contain coccidiostats or other drugs; meat and eggs can be consumed at any time, without the need for a suspension period.
The ingredients are all of vegetable origin.
The feed is available, upon order, in 25-kg bags as well as in big bags and loose.

The feed “FAGIANI NO OGM”, high in proteins, was created to fulfil the nutritional need of pheasants from birth.
It comes in small pieces, with a fine granulometry that make it easy to pick up even by young animals.
Indeed, particular supplements fulfil the needs of this type of birds, guaranteeing vitality as well as excellent productive and reproductive characteristics.
The feed is available upon order in 25-kg bags as well as in big bags and loose.

The feed “STRUZZI NO OGM” is intended for ostriches from birth.
Usually in pellet format, it is available also crumbled.
It comes in short pellets of 2.8 mm in diameter.
Particular supplements fulfil the needs of this type of birds, guaranteeing vitality as well as excellent productive and reproductive characteristics.
Raised in fields with a high protein content, we recommend integrating this feed with granulated or crumbled corn.
It does not contain coccidiostats or other drugs; meat and eggs can be consumed at any time, without the need for a suspension period.
The ingredients are all of vegetable origin.
The feed is available, upon order, in 25-kg bags as well as in big bags and loose.

The feed “SELVAGGINA NO OGM” is intended for species of wild game from birth.
It comes in small pieces, with a fine granulometry that make it easy to pick up even by young animals.
This feed can be administered freely or rationed, providing the animals with a constant supply of fresh and clean water.
Indeed, particular supplements fulfil the needs of this type of birds, guaranteeing vitality as well as excellent productive and reproductive characteristics.
The feed is available upon order in 25-kg bags as well as in big bags and loose.